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  4. Pro version
  5. ACF field on filters

ACF field on filters

Locateandfilter_pro on Version: 1.5.43.acf included ACF filters.

Now you can use Advanced Custom Fields for filters
such types as Number, Select, Checkbox, True / False, Radio Button

see demo https://demo-top.locateandfilter.com/demo-map-acf-filters/

How to use
eg your ACF

for activate you need enable ‘Enable ACF for filters’ option on Map settings

after save settings plugin start parsing all ACF (only supported type) for your post type

for map filters you can use selector same type such as acf or any other
number type set like range
multi Select set like Select Multiple (AND logic)
checkbox set like Checkboxes
True / False set like Checkboxes (it will be automatically converted into one checkbox)
Radio Button resp. set like Radio buttons

if you use ACF tag on Navlist Templates and Tooltip template
and ACF filed type Select or Checkbox
these tags will only return values and not names, labes

to get user friendly values for these fields you can add a new custom tag to your theme
eg for ACF Servises (key field_648afce57119e)

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